Saturday, April 26, 2014

Noble Witness of my family roots

A light towards the sunset:
Another day slides away in a whisper,
As many others for your ancient walls,
 in noble architecture elegantly folded.

 Treasure of art, surviving centuries,
You witness ancient glories echoing the past.

Standing up the hill, facing the sea
Your magic force rests untouched.

  Inside, you hold the aroma of past events:
Once the nest of glorious knights and noble men
You are now an attraction to the many,
Mute to some, intense emotion to others,
You became a dream to your ancient masters 
since long scattered around into ruins.

1 comment:

  1. "built upon the last stone before the sea
    once to control the land, reign out of reach
    now overflown by a thousand planes
    surrounded by cruise lines and ferry boats
    highlighted on every tourist's map

    your reign constricted to what you keep inside
    and preciously hide, a treasure like
    behind your strong old walls of pride

    is it fulfilment to witness and share
    a history rich and rare
    or isolation by fear
    to find a new place in new times
    without control, unknown, unclear?"

    a nobody's note
    left in the forest, seeing the castle from afar
